Acupuncture is the stimulation of specific anatomic points of the body (acupoints). Acupuncture has been used for both humans and pets for thousands of years in China. Modern research shows that acupoints are located at areas of the body where there is a high density of free nerve endings, mast cells, small arterioles and lymphatic vessels. Many acupoints affect the musculoskeletal system. A number of modern studies indicate that stimulation of acupoints results in the release of beta-endorphins (anti-pain, increased feeling of well-being, relaxation, slow growth of cancer cells), seratonin (cardiovascular health, gastrointestinal regulation) and other neurotransmitters. Numerous studies show that acupuncture induces pain relief, anti-inflammation, gastrointestinal tract regulation and immune system regulation.
The Ancient Chinese discovered that the health of the body depends on the state of Qi (pronounced "chee"). Qi is the life force of energy. There are two opposite forms of Qi: Yin and Yang. Qi flows constantly throughout the body. Balanced Qi results in health. Blockage of Qi results in pain. Imbalance of Qi results in disease. Thus, acupuncture often focuses on resolving Qi blockage to relieve pain or balancing of Qi to relieve disease.
Acupuncture is a safe medical procedure when practiced by a qualified doctor. Few, usually temporary side effects have been observed.
Acupuncture can be used with any other therapy, medication or supplement your family veterinarian recommends.
-Dr. Morgan Dixon, DVM, CVA
Dr. Dixon named her practice "Shay Shay". It means "Thank You" in Chinese. She chose the name in memory of her Chow Chow, Hayle who is the inspiration of her life's work. Dr. Dixon was born and raised in Pennsylvania and currently resides in Charlotte with her many rescued, fur babies. She is passionate about her work and also enjoys yoga and meditation.
She obtained her Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degrees from the University of Florida. She has been practicing emergency medicine, primary care medicine and exotic pet medicine for over 14 years. She has practiced acupuncture and herbal therapy in Charlotte for over 7 years. Her certification in Veterinary Acupuncture was obtained from Chi Institute of Chinese Veterinary Medicine and is a member of the American Association of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Dixon also has her certification in Pet Loss Grief Counseling and is a member of the International Association for Animal Hospice and Palliative Care. She is also a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association and Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society.
At Monroe Road Animal Hospital we believe in a team approach to veterinary medicine and have found that acupuncture has been an extremely useful tool. Dr. Dixon routinely see patients here in our office. She also makes house calls. For more information, visit her website at
-Your Friends at Monroe Road Animal Hospital